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Storage Challenges


In today's tech savvy world, it is important to have a large amount to data storage centre so that nothing is lost at the end. No matter whether you have a small business or a large company, at some point of time, you will surely need of having data storage and backup platform. As per the different sizes of the enterprises, the data storage scaling is also varied to provide a best and suitable solution.

Every business type faces a difficult storage challenges, but medium sized businesses experience it the most due to having tight budgets. There are many other challenges for medium sized businesses such as maintaining I/O performance beneath enlarged application demand and swift capacity growth originated by augmented data maintenance regulations. As mostly the businesses run on digital platform, therefore the overflow of data is on the higher side. Hence, having a balance storage platform is essential.

PROMISE's VTrak x30 series RAID subsystem and VTrak S3000 SAN appliance are the two key storage systems that help to solve the storage challenges for medium sized businesses. Both the systems are cost effective and high performance. Whenever the data exceed, it moves into a new storage to allow system to work efficiently. It has also seen that most of the companies rely on two storage systems - local data storage and online data storage and back-up system, but the risk of losing data is there with them.

Therefore, Unique Solution in association with Promise Technology solves your Mid-Range Storage Challenge with ease. A team of professionals is there to assist you in a best possible way whenever the problem occurred. With the constant efforts, Unique Solution has become an ideal place to get all innovative solutions related to the data storage problems at cost effective prices. So, just use the service here and feel the real difference.